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Old testament that Jesus quoted most

Dr.James Benedict 2024. 9. 19. 11:38

Jesus most frequently quoted the Old Testament book of Psalms during his ministry. The Psalms served as a significant source of scripture for Jesus, as seen in various instances throughout the Gospels. For example, during his crucifixion, Jesus cited Psalm 22:1, saying, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" This highlights the deep connection Jesus had with the Psalms[1][3][7].

In addition to Psalms, Jesus also frequently quoted from Deuteronomy and Isaiah. Deuteronomy was notably used by Jesus during his temptation in the wilderness to counter Satan's challenges[1][3]. Isaiah was another important source, with Jesus reading from Isaiah 61:1 in the synagogue, proclaiming its fulfillment through his ministry[2][4].

While Psalms stands out as the most quoted book by Jesus, these other books also played crucial roles in his teachings and responses throughout his life[1][3][7].

[1] Which Old Testament Book Did Jesus Quote Most Often? https://reasonsforhopejesus.com/old-testament-book-jesus-quote-often/
[2] 3 Times Jesus Quoted the Old Testament - Broadmoor Court https://www.broadmoorcourt.com/blog/3-times-jesus-quoted-the-old-testament
[3] Old Testament Passages Cited by Jesus Christ - Bible Central https://biblecentral.info/library/chapter/old-testament-passages-cited-by-jesus-christ/
[4] The Savior's Use of the Old Testament https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/2002/07/the-saviors-use-of-the-old-testament?lang=eng
[5] 50 Most Popular Bible Verses - Famous Scripture Quotes https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/the-25-most-read-bible-verses/
[6] Seven Statements of Jesus - What Did Jesus Say About Himself? https://studyandobey.com/inductive-bible-study/what-jesus-said-about-himself/
[7] Week 7: Jesus' Favorite Bible Verses - HavenToday.org https://haventoday.org/blog/week-7-jesus-favorite-bible-verses/
[8] 5.14.24 - What we can learn from Jesus' favorite Old Testament quote https://www.watervillecc.org/content.cfm?blog_id=1920&id=151