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Jesus' miracles

Dr.James Benedict 2024. 8. 21. 19:18

Jesus performed miracles for several important reasons:

1. To demonstrate his divine authority and identity as the Son of God[1][3]. The miracles served as evidence of Jesus' power over nature, illness, and even death, confirming his claims about his divine nature.

2. To validate his message and teachings[1][3]. The miracles acted as a form of "preaching," reinforcing the truth of Jesus' words and showing that he had the authority to forgive sins and offer salvation.

3. To show compassion and meet real human needs[1][3]. Jesus often performed miracles out of love and concern for people's suffering, not simply to draw attention to himself.

4. To build faith in those who witnessed them[3]. The miracles were meant to inspire belief in Jesus as the Messiah and encourage people to trust in him.

5. To fulfill Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah[3]. Many of Jesus' miracles aligned with expectations set by Hebrew scriptures.

However, Jesus was selective in how he used his miraculous powers:

- He often told people not to spread news of his miracles to avoid drawing large crowds that might hinder his preaching[2].
- He refused to perform miracles on demand or as a spectacle[3].
- He sometimes used miracles as teaching opportunities to reveal spiritual truths[1].

Ultimately, the miracles served to reveal Jesus' identity, validate his message, and demonstrate God's love and power to humanity.

[1] Please explain: Why did Jesus do miracles? - Forward in Christ https://forwardinchrist.net/why-did-jesus-do-miracles/
[2] Why Did Jesus Tell Some People to Keep Quiet about His Miracles ... https://nickcady.org/2018/04/23/why-did-jesus-tell-some-people-to-keep-quiet-about-his-miracles-and-identity/
[3] Don Stewart :: Why Should Anyone Believe in the Miracles of Jesus? https://www.blueletterbible.org/faq/don_stewart/don_stewart_783.cfm
[4] What does Matthew 13:58 mean? - BibleRef.com https://www.bibleref.com/Matthew/13/Matthew-13-58.html
[5] Miracles of Jesus - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miracles_of_Jesus
[6] 11 FUNCTION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF MIRACLES IN JESUS ... - Brill https://brill.com/previewpdf/display/book/9789004265868/B9789004265868-s010.xml
[7] Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles? - She Reads Truth https://shereadstruth.com/why-did-jesus-perform-miracles/
[8] What is the definition of a miracle? | GotQuestions.org https://www.gotquestions.org/definition-miracle.html