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Jesus' sibling

Dr.James Benedict 2024. 8. 17. 17:09

Based on the search results, there is some debate about how many siblings Jesus had, but the most common interpretation suggests:

Jesus had at least six siblings:

- Four brothers: James, Joseph (also called Joses), Simon, and Judas (also called Jude)[1][2]
- At least two sisters (unnamed)[1][2]

Key points:

1. The Gospel of Mark (6:3) and Matthew (13:55-56) specifically name four brothers and mention sisters (plural)[1][2].

2. James and Jude (Judas) later became followers of Jesus and wrote books of the Bible[1].

3. Some argue these were not biological siblings but cousins or step-siblings, though most scholars interpret them as actual siblings[1][3].

4. The sisters are not named in scripture, but there were at least two[2].

5. Catholic tradition maintains Mary's perpetual virginity and interprets these as cousins or close relatives rather than biological siblings[4][6].

While there is some debate, the most straightforward reading of the biblical texts suggests Jesus had at least four brothers and two or more sisters, for a total of at least six siblings[1][2].

[1] How many siblings did Jesus have? - Compelling Truth https://www.compellingtruth.org/how-many-siblings-did-Jesus-have.html
[2] How many siblings did Jesus have? | GotQuestions.org https://www.gotquestions.org/how-many-siblings-did-Jesus-have.html
[3] Did Jesus Have Siblings? Names of Jesus' Brothers and Sisters https://www.bartehrman.com/did-jesus-have-siblings/
[4] Did Jesus Have Siblings? Who Were His Brothers and Sisters? https://www.christianity.com/jesus/life-of-jesus/youth-and-baptism/how-many-brothers-and-sisters-did-jesus-have.html
[5] Did Jesus have any brothers, sisters or siblings? https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/did-jesus-have-any-brothers-andor-sisters
[6] How to Respond When People Say Jesus Had Brothers and Sisters https://www.ncregister.com/blog/how-to-respond-when-people-say-jesus-had-brothers-and-sisters
[7] Brothers of Jesus - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_of_Jesus
[8] Did Jesus have any siblings? | Notes and Queries - The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,,-11906,00.html