Josephus is not the only historical record that supports Jesus' existence, though his writings are among the most significant non-Christian sources. Here are the key points regarding historical evidence for Jesus:
## Non-Christian Sources
1. Josephus mentions Jesus twice in his "Antiquities of the Jews" (c. 93-94 AD)[1]:
- The Testimonium Flavianum (likely containing an authentic core with later Christian interpolations)
- A reference to "James, the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ"
2. Tacitus, a Roman historian, mentions Christ's execution under Pontius Pilate in his Annals (c. 116 AD)[2].
## Other Considerations
- Multiple attestation: At least 14 sources mention Jesus within a century of his crucifixion, more than for many other ancient figures[2].
- Lack of contemporary sources: No eyewitness accounts from Jesus' lifetime exist, which is not unusual for figures of his time and social status[2][3].
- Biblical sources: While not independent historical records, the Gospels and Pauline letters provide additional accounts.
## Scholarly Consensus
Most historians accept Jesus' historical existence based on the available evidence, though debates continue about specific details of his life and teachings[2][4].
[1] Josephus on Jesus - Wikipedia
[2] Historicity of Jesus - Wikipedia
[3] Is there any actual proof or record that Jesus Christ existed? - Reddit
[4] Did Jesus Exist? - American Atheists
[5] 3 pieces of historical evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ