Zoroastrianism and Christianity share some thematic similarities, but they are distinct religions with different core beliefs and origins.
### Similarities:
1. **Messianic Figures**: Both religions feature a messianic figure—Saoshyant in Zoroastrianism and Jesus in Christianity—who is expected to bring about the end times and final judgment[2][4].
2. **Dualism**: Zoroastrianism has a strong dualistic element, with Ahura Mazda representing good and Angra Mainyu (Ahriman) representing evil. Christianity also incorporates a form of dualism with God and Satan[2][5].
3. **Resurrection and Final Judgment**: Both religions include beliefs in resurrection and a final judgment[3][5].
### Differences:
1. **Monotheism vs. Dualism**: Christianity is strictly monotheistic, while Zoroastrianism is dualistic, positing two opposing forces of good and evil[1][2].
2. **Concept of God**: In Christianity, God is the source of both good and evil, whereas in Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda represents only good, with evil being a separate entity[2].
3. **Scriptural Origins**: The oldest Zoroastrian texts, the Avesta, date from the 13th century AD, while the Jewish Scriptures predate Christianity by centuries, making direct borrowing unlikely[3].
While there are parallels, the significant theological and doctrinal differences indicate that Christianity is not a copy of Zoroastrianism.
[1] Is Christianity just a copy of Zoroastrianism? - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/mhywmy/is_christianity_just_a_copy_of_zoroastrianism/
[2] [PDF] ZOROASTRIANISM, JUDAISM, AND CHRISTIANITY https://olli.gmu.edu/docstore/600docs/1403-651-3-Zoroastrianism,%20Judaism,%20and%20Christianity.pdf
[3] Are the ideas of Jesus and Christianity borrowed from Mithra and ... https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-Mithra-Christianity-Zoroastrianism.html
[4] Zoroastrianism and the Resemblances between It and Christianity https://www.jstor.org/stable/3140852
[5] World Religions and Cults: Zoroastrianism | Answers in Genesis https://answersingenesis.org/world-religions/world-religions-and-cults-zoroastrianism/