Based on the search results, Jesus did not clearly belong to any specific sect of Judaism, but his teachings and practices aligned most closely with the Pharisees. Here are the key points:
1. Jesus was raised in a traditional Jewish family and followed Torah observance [3].
2. His teachings most closely resembled those of the Hillel school of Pharisees, emphasizing love of God and neighbor as the greatest commandments [2].
3. Jesus supported the teachings of the Pharisees, telling his disciples to observe what they taught from "Moses' seat" in the synagogue [2][4].
4. He regularly attended synagogue, observed Jewish festivals and Sabbath, and did not contradict the teachings given to Moses [2].
5. While Jesus criticized Pharisaic practices and hypocrisy, he praised and endorsed their teachings [4].
6. Jesus did not fully align with any one sect, but incorporated elements that resembled various groups like the Pharisees, Essenes, and common people [3].
In summary, while Jesus did not formally belong to a specific Jewish sect, his background and teachings placed him closest to Pharisaic Judaism, particularly the Hillel school, even as he critiqued some of their practices.
[1] Jewish Christianity - Wikipedia
[2] Did Jesus himself assert the fact that he belonged to some religion ...
[3] What Religion Was Jesus?
[4] Jesus and the Jewish Sects - Anglican Compass
[5] The Separation of Christianity from Judaism