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Jesus' exercise

Dr.James Benedict 2024. 7. 30. 15:45

Jesus likely did not engage in formal sports or exercise as understood today. However, as a carpenter, he performed physically demanding work, which kept him fit. He also walked extensively, estimated at about 25 miles a day, contributing to his physical conditioning[2][3][5]. In ancient times, physical activity was more about daily labor and less about structured workouts, so Jesus's fitness came from his lifestyle rather than intentional exercise routines[2][4].

[1] What Kind of Athlete Would Jesus Be? https://www.thechristianathlete.com/blog/what-kind-of-athlete-would-jesus-be
[2] Did Jesus work out? (Serious) : r/Catholicism - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Catholicism/comments/cgb5z4/did_jesus_work_out_serious/
[3] Top 10 Health and Fitness Tips from Jesus https://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/top-10-health-fitness-tips-jesus/
[4] What Does the Bible Say About Exercise? 34 Fitness ... - Joyful Health https://www.joyfulhealth.co/blog/exerciseverses
[5] Did Jesus have a six-pack? - The Rest Stop https://thereststop.org/2023/10/20/did-jesus-have-a-six-pack/